Manitoba’s biggest country music festival is only one week away, and PortageOnline's Project Patio is preparing to hit the road and head up to Dauphins Countryfest. 

This year's theme is ‘35 and still alive’ which means that they are bringing back all the artists that you may have grown up with or that you still listen to today.  

If you would like to find out who is playing when, check out the information below.  

countryfest lineup

You may notice that many of these artists are the ones you hear on CFRY 920AM. That is why CFRY’s morning show host, Shelby Proznick is hitting the road. Next Friday morning, June 28th, she will be playing a whole morning of songs from artists that are performing at Countryfest, broadcasting live from the VIP tent.  

Unfortunately, one of the artists who you may have been the most excited for, Mark Chesnutt, is unable to perform due to ongoing medical issues regarding his heart as he went through emergency quadruple bypass surgery.  

Countryfest posted on social media late Tuesday night to inform fans of this news. However, they are looking high and low to find the next artist that will be taking his place on stage.