Doc Walker will once again be busy this summer and intends to keep the energy of country music in Manitoba and across the country high this year.  
This month, they will play a show at Nickel Days in Thompson, followed by Dauphin's Countryfest.   
The show in Thompson will be special as one of the original mainstays in the group, Murray Pulver, is reuniting with the band. Pulver was in the band for years before pursuing other projects and he is excited about the reunion. The guitarist notes that he is looking forward to the show, including the chance to perform with Michelle Wright.  
Pulver mentions that he is still out on the road quite often, playing with other musicians. He adds that he has kept busy with recording new songs, but that it is good to keep up those skills in the process. 
He says it is great to keep the connection with Portage through his music career, and the upcoming show will bring great spirits into his performance. Pulver says there is no other feeling like being on stage.  
"Playing on stage is still one of my favourite things to do. You forget about it sometimes when you're in the studio, how much you love the thrill of playing for new people."  
The guitarist notes that the atmosphere is one of the best things about being on the stage.  
"Having that rush of playing a song that you wrote and having a crowd of 10,000 people singing it back, you can't beat it."  
Pulver expresses how gratifying it is to get the ability to share his music with many others and teach guitar to students. He highlights that it is amazing to see how far they have come, and how this helps him. Pulver was teaching students in Portage as far back as the early 90's.
Nickel Days is the place to see the original members of the band perform together from June 20-23. Doc Walker is also doing various shows throughout Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta this summer.