As the school year is winding down, students in Austin share their stories and experiences with the excitement of the school’s Jump Rope Team.  

Austin Elementary School supported their Jump Rope Team with an afternoon Pep Rally for the entire community to attend. Grade 5 student, Jace Jarvis says he was happy it was a success. 

“My favourite part of it was that our parents came and supported us. The school got to see our skills and thought that the group double Dutch was very cool.”  

Jarvis adds that he has enjoyed the jump rope season with his team and that he is excited to rejoin the team next school year.  

Another team member, Kirsten Fehr, notes that her favourite routine was the one they performed as a group. She shares that it was a good experience going around to the different schools for the Jump Rope team.  

“We’ve gone to Bloomfield Colony, Gladstone Elementary School. We went to the care home in Gladstone, and we went to Plymouth. It was fun to go with the team.”  

Coach and Grade 5 teacher Lindsay Bereza said she was impressed with their skills and how the team worked throughout the season. Though jump rope is not a common team sport, it has created a fun, supportive atmosphere at Austin Elementary School. 

The students are eager to start up again next year.  

Many fun events are yet to come for the school, including camping trips, a barbeque lunch, tabloid day, and much more. With support from teachers and the community, students in Austin will be blown away by these events.