The 100th Annual Portage Conference was held on the weekend and visitors from various locations came to speak and to listen.

Jeremy Clark drove from Minneapolis and says the weekend provided him some beneficial resources as well as a contact that he made while here, a preacher from Northern Ireland.

"I'm going to go down to Iowa when he comes. So, I got my boxes filled. I made a contact, and now it's my job to start. He gave me a handful of things to start looking at, and if nothing else, if I didn't get anything from the platform, I got that, and I'm happy. I'd drive 16 hours (round-trip) for that again."

Jenny Kohinski made the drive from Teulon and says the drive is nothing new to her.

"I live out in the middle of nowhere, so driving that far to other people, it's like every day. But I drive all that way because of the people and the interactions you can have," Kohinski noted. "One of the main things I really enjoy about conferences is that you get to hear, sometimes, something you've heard before, but you're hearing it from a different person. And you get to reconnect with some friends that you have, it feels very rejuvenating."

The event ran from Friday afternoon until Sunday evening, with over 400 people attending.