The Portage Padres have been almost unbeatable throughout their regular season so far.

The Padres currently find themselves atop the Santa Clara Baseball League (SCBL) standings with a record of 7-1-1. The Neepawa Cubs and Plumas Pirates are the closest teams to overtaking the Padres, each behind by 1.5 games.

The Padres only loss of the season so far came at the hands of the Austin A's as they fell in a tightly contested 5-4 ballgame. The Padres were able to get some revenge in their next meeting, taking down the A's 14-8. The lone tie came from a matchup where the Padres traveled to Neepawa, with the game ending deadlocked at ten runs each.

Tyler Olson has the highest batting average on the team to this point in the season, batting .600. He also has a .714 batting average, which also leads the team.

According to the SCBL's website, the Padres have six regular season games remaining to cement their spot at the top of the standings.

Next week will see the Padres play a pair of home games as they'll line faceoff against the Neepawa Cubs on June 24 and Carberry Royals on June 26.