You may have noticed the mosquitoes in Portage la Prairie, and so has the city.

Brian Taylor, Superintendent of Public Works, says they're recording data in their traps to see when the city will meet the criteria to start spraying.

"We're feeling them (mosquitoes) out there already this year compared to other years."

Taylor notes that they have enough DeltaGard, the chemical used for spraying, for two rounds this year.

"Once we hit the quota that we need in our traps, then we can do a proper job of controlling the mosquitoes."

He adds that if Portage needs more DeltaGard, the City of Winnipeg may be able to provide some later in the year.

"Last year, we didn't end up doing any spraying, but this year, I don't think we're going to get away with that with the amount of moisture we've had. So, we definitely will be on it. As soon as it's time to do it, we will hit them."

When the time comes to spray, Portage will be ready to use the fogging machine, newly purchased in 2023.