As the school year ends, retiring teacher Jodi Harder-Boyle is looking back on her time and the positive impact it left on her life.   

Harder-Boyle has won an award from the Portage la Prairie School Division (PLPSD) for her excellence throughout her years in the division. Harder-Boyle says that she was pleased with the award.   

“I was humbled and honoured because the nomination came from my colleagues. I’ve been with this division my whole career, so there are many highlights from my time at Oakville and Crescentview School. It was a great honour to accept the award.”   

Throughout her career, Harder-Boyle has watched many students grow up to be amazing adults, although she has especially enjoyed now working with the students who have become teachers. She adds mentoring new teachers is always one of the joys of the job.   

Harder-Boyle switched from her role as a teacher to Literacy Curriculum Support during the later years of her career. She highlights that although it was difficult to leave Crescentview School, she was enthused to help other teachers and collaborate with others.   

“I'm super fortunate to have been in this role, it was a reenergizing move in my career. I’m lucky enough to support new teachers with good literacy practice and work with experienced teachers on things we’ve found that are good in literacy. I'm very lucky to do that.”   

Though teaching is not the easiest occupation, Harder-Boyle recommends it for anyone interested as she calls it a rewarding job. She states that there is always something fascinating happening with the students in their day-to-day learning that makes the job all worthwhile.  

Harder-Boyle notes that one of the highlights of her career was her reading recovery training to further help the students in her school, as well as all the professional learning and projects that she has contributed to in the division.   

She comments she may continue in small roles helping the division where she can, however, the award she accepted put a positive end to her career in the PLPSD. Harder-Boyle is excited for her retirement and to spend more time with her family and friends.