An Indigenous Feast was held last week at North Memorial School in Portage la Prairie. It's an annual event, and jingle dress dances and singing took place with some food provided and donated by Youth For Christ Youth Unlimited. 

Tracey Asham is a Trustee of the Portage la Prairie School Division and Vice Chair. She notes that she was invited by handwritten letters that were delivered to the School Division from the children for them to attend the Indigenous Days and Powwow.

"I think it's lovely and them in their ribbon skirts and jingle dresses. And the drums with the songs are very, very touching. It's been a great, great morning. It's been entertaining and it's nice to share their culture, as well, and nice to see even the kids with the ribbon skirts."

School Board Chair Hélène Hoggarth was also there, and adds, "It's very very heartwarming. And as Tracey said, the letters from the students were so, so nice."

Cindy Fagnun is one of the grandparents of a student that attends North Memorial, and notes she's very impressed with the feast. 

"We've been here before for them, but this one was extra special. I'm Métis and my husband's Treaty and my granddaughter's Treaty, She is so into it. She loves the dancing. She got up, she's about the third person up to dance. She's just so into her culture and always wanting to learn more. She really enjoys the teachings from Angela Roulette (school elder), too. Hopefully, it continues because she is so into it. She can't soak up enough of it."