The STARS Air Ambulance recieved a $10,000 donation from Enns Brothers yesterday.

The STARS helicopter made the flight out to St. Francios Xavier airport yesterday for the presentation and Manager of the STARS Manitoba Foundation Shandy Walls was thilled to recieve the donation. Walls explains why this donation is so important.

"First of all it's phenomenal because we do a lot in their industry. So their (Enns Brothers) customers, are our customers. Both from the agricultural perpestive, whether it's a farming accident or a heart attack on a farming field we're there. Also, farmers tend to be really active with recreational vehicles and we do so many ATV pickups. Everything that Enns represents, we're there for their customers."

Enns Brothers' Vice President of Ag sales and Marketing Kevin Comte presents the cheque to the STARS crew

Enns Brothers' Vice President of Ag sales and Marketing Kevin Comte explains why they donated to the program.

"Our business is spread out across the province we have locations from the East side to the West side of the province. So obviously STARS plays a pretty critical role not only for our dealership locations, but the customers we serve. We've got customers out in the field, customers riding the trails and others out in the water. No matter where are customers are located, having access to STARS is something that adds tremendous value to our province."

Manager of the STARS Manitoba Foundation Shandy Walls

Walls talks about what the money will be used for.

"Every flight on average costs about $5,400 and the end user, the patient, never recieves a bill. So we have high operational costs and we staff like a fire department. We staff physicians, paramedics, nurses, two pilots, that's all the time 24/7. So again, that will go toward some of those costs."

Inside the STARS Air Ambulance helicopter

Walls adds some of the money may be used to get a child transport carrier for the program.