Bike Week, an annual event put on by the Portage Active Transportation Committee, is back and underway. With help from other local organizations, the event aims to encourage a bike-friendly attitude in Portage la Prairie.

Rachelle Sissons, Community Engagement Coordinator for the Portage la Prairie Community Revitalization Corporation (PCRC), is supporting the event.

"This week-long celebration features a variety of activities and events designed to encourage people of all ages and abilities to get on their bikes and enjoy the benefits of cycling. There are group rides and educational workshops to fund community gatherings. Join us in embracing the joy of cycling and making our community more bike-friendly."

Sissons herself is organizing a Yoga in the Park activity lead by Lynne Bereza on Sunday, May 26. Participants are encouraged to bring their own mat and bike to Island Park to join in.

Other activities include a gentle-paced ice cream ride and a trail ride organized by The Junk Yard Dogs. There will also be a Cookie Ride stopping at Crescentview, Fort La Reine, Yellowquill, La Verendrye schools, and Island Park.

Active Transportation Chair Mitch Tilk adds there are new bike lanes in the community and they allow people to get around much easier. 

"There are some issues around how do you bike in and out of the roundabouts and stuff like that. Do you use the crosswalk? How does how do cars interact with the crosswalk? So, there are still some questions and we'll figure that out as we go, I guess. We're hoping more people get out there."

He notes it should be fun this year as you cruise on a bike around the new lanes and take in the roundabouts a few times. 

"We want to thank the city for their continued support of the Active Transportation Committee. Without their support, we wouldn't be able to do Bike Week events like this. And we'd like to thank some of our partners. We've got partnerships with PRRA, Southern Health-Santé Sud, the Junkyard Dogs, Portage School Division, Family Resource Centre,  Red River College, and us here at PCRC. It's going to be a great Bike Week. Hope to see lots of people out there."

The week starts Saturday, May 25, with the Gravel Grumble put on by the Junkyard Dogs. 

"Unfortunately, we had a pre-bike week event planned for Friday, but due to rain warnings, it was cancelled. That was going to have like a chalk course for kids to practice doing roundabouts. But I don't think chalk can really work with tsunami conditions. We'll just hope for the best for the rest of the week."

Tilk adds you can stay tuned in by checking out the Portage Active Transportation Facebook page to see the most up-to-date information about whether or not rain will going to impact any other events coming up.

A full calendar is available below.