Everything is in place for the 2016 " Pounding the Pond" Pond Hockey Championship in Portage. Assistant Coordinator John Low says aside from the cold temperatures, everything went well for their Friday night kick off.

John Low"Things are getting ready here. We are getting ready to go for 6 PM Friday, there's going to be some games. We are excited to get things kicked off. The ice looks fantastic, it's perfect. Unfortunately we are dealing with the cold but at least the ice is good. We're really excited."

Low notes they had a great response from teams of all skill levels during the sign up for the championship.

"We've got the average amount of teams showing up here. We've got eleven and we have 6 in one division and 5 in the other division. We only had 3 non-competitive teams show up so we are sticking them in with everyone else. In the end everyone play everyone. Everybody should have some fun."

Low encourages everyone to brave the cold and come out to Island Park to cheer on the teams.