After a trend of shrinking budgets, Superintendent of Pine Creek School Division, Sandra Meilleur was excited to share the news of a funding increase from the Provincial Government.

"The provincial funding announcement, made last week by the Minister and Deputy Minister of Education, was well received by Pine Creek School Division." Meilleur exclaimed, "This is the most promising funding announcement we have heard in several years. The provincial funding to Pine Creek School Division will once again support local decision making. This means that the board of trustees will be able to make decisions around reasonable local levy taxation in order to support and meet the needs of our schools. In addition to this, there will also be funds to support the equity of nutrition in all of our schools. As we move through this year's budget season, we will be sending out a public budget survey, link to our families, businesses and other community."

The Superintendent also shared that the division is looking into hiring an Indigenous teacher to education staff and students on Jordan's Principle and reach out to those communities in the Pine Creek region. 

She emphasized the importance of upkeep in the schools.

"I don't want to negate the need for building maintenance," Meilleur explained. "There are some needs around this school division in terms of accessibility that we would like to focus on, as well. There are different pieces across the gamut, where we felt before that we could not touch at all, because of the funding restrictions and limits. This is refreshing."

Meilleur encourages citizens within the Pine Creek area, whether they have ties to the schools or not, to fill out a survey (found below), in an effort to find out what is the top priority to the communities they oversee.

PCSD Survey