Festival du Voyageur is today, and École Arthur Meighen is participating by having music, food and cultural games. Lots of kids also wear costumes for the day. Laura Hordeski, a kindergarten teacher, shares why the school wanted to have the event.

"We are celebrating the voyageurs because it is a really rich cultural activity, both for French Canadian culture and also our Indigenous and Metis culture. So, it's just a great activity for the kids to be involved in."

She also noted that the kids in the school are very excited to take part in all the various activities around the school.

"They're so excited. There was a little bit of pre-teaching, so now they know to say 'Hey-ho' in the hallway instead of 'Bonjour' now, and they're getting costumes ready with beards and ceinture fléchée's (a traditional sash), and the plaid and everything. Almost everybody dresses up."

Brooks is in Hordeski's kindergarten class. He said that his favourite part of learning about the Voyageurs was, "When they go across the river."