Another mixed bag of weather could be coming to Portage la Prairie this week, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) Meteorologist Justin Shelley.

"We're going to see some unsettled conditions for the next day or so, with the chance of some showers and possibly some thunderstorms. Also, a bit of a gusty wind over the next couple of days, gusting up to 50 kilometers per hour."

Shelley notes the gusty conditions shouldn't last too long, however.

"As we get into the middle of the week, it does look like we'll get a bit of a break in the weather on Wednesday. Conditions are going to be relatively calm and sunny. Temperatures, as the week progresses, will go down a bit. By the middle of the week, we're looking at temperatures in the low 20's, possibly even below 20° by the end of the week."

When looking to the end of the week, Shelley shares that we could see some significant rainfall between Thursday and Saturday.

"With that event Thursday night into Saturday morning, it does look like a pretty good swath of precipitation is going to move across the southern Manitoba region. At this point, there's a bit of discrepancy in terms of exact precipitation amounts, but it does look like for the five-day period anywhere from 30 to 50mm of precipitation can be expected."

The Meteorologist states that with the rain we've had, approximately 95 millimeters, Portage la Prairie has already surpassed the average rainfall for the month of June, 80mm. He adds that the rain forecasted for the week could see us reach as high as double the monthly average.