Too much rain and wind? Do we need more warmth this summer? How about those mosquitoes so far in 2024? PortageOnline hit the streets to hear your thoughts on the season so far.

Denny was walking through Portage la Prairie's Island Park earlier this week and had no complaints.

"It has been beautiful weather for Manitoba," he chuckled. "There's a few mosquitoes out now, but not too many so far."

Liz and Susan were enjoying a day at Island Park before speaking with PortageOnline about the start to the summer.

"It's been a little wet but good. It could be even warmer, 26/27/28 and 30°! Bring it on," smiled Liz. 

"It's been good. But just a little bit too much rain. Too much cloud cover. Yeah, I like the sunshine," Susan noted. "The only blessing about the wind is that it keeps the mosquitoes away. But the mosquitoes are wild. I don't know when they'll spray, but soon, I hope."

Nicole is from Elie and has been coming to Portage for the pickleball courts.

"I would like a lot less rain and a lot less wind, and a little more sun would be nice too. We do have some mosquitoes at home, but we have controlled them with repellent, sprays, and other devices, so it has been bearable."

Beverley was leaving the pickleball courts and noted that it's slowly becoming warmer with a few lovely days in the books.

"There's been too much wind, the crops are getting blown out. We need this moisture because we are dry in some areas. Some farmers would say that we're not dry all over, but we've been low on water for a long time. So, it's good to see the rain, making everything so nice, fresh, and clean."

Beverly added that while others may not have noticed the mosquitoes so far, she sure has.

"We've been spoiled over the last couple of years with no mosquitoes because we haven't got the moisture, but this year, they're coming. But hey, the birds have to eat, too." 

Less rain and more heat is in the long term forecast for the rest of the summer in Portage according to Environment and Climate Change Canada's Senior Climatologist, David Phillips.