Southern Health-Santé Sud and STARS are spearheading a proposal to establish a landing pad in the Town of Carman where the air ambulance could set down.

A parcel of land close to the Carman Memorial Hospital has been identified that could serve such a purpose.
"It would be kind of on the south side of the hospital," said Mayor Bob Mitchell. "They have landed there but it causes them problems if it's not a proper place that's been maintained, so they want a permanent spot. This way they would be right adjacent to the hospital with very quick and simple access."

Mitchell says a landing area for stars that is near the hospital makes a lot of sense, but says no decision will likely be made before spring.

The parcel of property being considered for the landing area is owned jointly by the town and the RM of Dufferin. Reeve George Gray says it's probably the most suitable spot for a helicopter to land and they are currently in negotiations with the RHA and STARS to make that happen.

"To us, STARS is a very important component of a rural community. STARS has to have the ability to land at our hospital in a spot that is conducive to the transfer of patients from the hospital to the helicopter."

Gray says he's in favour of the landing pad idea and is looking forward to working with STARS and the RHA on this proposal.