City of Portage la Prairie snow-clearing crews have completed their work in Area 4 overnight by Friday, March 8,  and have moved onto area Area 5. 

Mayor Sharilyn Knox says they anticipate that they'll be done Area 5 later Friday (today).

"Then they're going to begin Area 3. We're asking people in Areas 3 to bring their garbage and recycling bins in as soon as they can, so that the snow clearing can be cleared to get it done as soon as possible. Then after that, once they're done Area 3, they will be doing Heritage Square parking lots. That will be a completion of our citywide snow clearing."

Area 3A covers 18th St. NW. 

Area 3B is South of Saskatchewan Ave. west of 18th St SW.

city areasV​​​​​arious Areas of Portage

"We're just so thankful that our city crews have done an amazing job of taking care of this snow. They've worked all hours to get it done and we're just happy to have our city back up and moving as easily as it can with all this snow."

Knox also asks you to please avoid parking on city streets while snow removal is taking place because that allows for the most effective snow removal. 

"It's not only easier and safer for our operators, but our residents sure appreciate it when their neighbours do that so that they get nice clean streets. Our snow policy outlines that your area for snow removal is the day after your garbage day going forward, so your car needs to be off the street or you could be ticketed."