The North Norfolk Childcare Centre is raising funds for renovations being done to their building. The centre is gearing up for those renovations with a fundraiser on Sunday at the Austin Community Hall. Board member Devan Woolley explains.

"We're having a soup-and-pie on January 28th. It's a Sunday from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. It's all by donation, and we have lots of people, hopefully, coming to enjoy some soup and different desserts and raise money for our childcare centre."

Woolley notes this is their first fundraiser of the new year, and that they have more on the horizon, but did not have concrete plans to divulge at this point.

She says if you want to get in contact with the centre, there are a few main options.

"You can reach us on our Facebook page, which is North Norfolk Childcare Centre, or you can give myself a call at (204) 870-1401, or you can reach any of the board members listed on our Facebook page."