École Arthur Meighen (EAM) Physical Education teacher Brittany Armstrong-Bernier asked her students to raise $5,000 for Terry Fox fundraising efforts back in the fall, and boy, did they deliver.

"In September and October, there is always a big push for the Terry Fox Run for schools. It's very near and dear to my heart. So, I pushed very hard for us to fundraise as much as possible," says Armstrong-Bernier.

In previous years, the school had finished as high as seventh in the province for fundraising, but this year hoped to reach the fifth spot. Armstrong-Bernier says the school had multiple ways to collect money, from selling shirts to hosting a barbeque and accepting online donations. Ultimately, they brought in $8,947.56, raising the 3rd most for Terry Fox in the province.

"I'm very, very pleased and very honoured that our school community came together as they did," she continues. "Terry is a Canadian hero. It's an important cause, and I think the kids really get it, and our families did too because they came in clutch this year."

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Ahead of EAM, Arborg Collegiate was in second place, raising $11,498, and Starbuck School came in first with $11,898. Armstrong-Bernier says that students were rewarded for their efforts with Mario Kart Racing in the school hallways.

"I had a big crew of students and staff that helped me completely transform our hallways. It looked like a Mario Kart racing track, so we used scooters and made teams with teachers."

As far as next year, Armstrong-Bernier notes that she can't wait to see if students will raise the bar again.