Lori Speiss, who hails from Plumas, was fortunate enough to have a Good Samaritan on her side after she recently lost her wallet in Portage la Prairie. Speiss outlines the ordeal.

"I just wanted to say a huge thanks to Valerie James who went out of her way. She found my wallet along the rail tracks on 3rd St. and she picked it up," says Speiss. "But she went out of her way to go find the cheque in my purse, call me, and get my wallet safely back to me with everything intact. She saved me."

She explains she was taking a test that day which required her driver's license to show who she was; the only piece of I.D. she had. 

"I was taking my testing for bus driving and I had to stop at the railroad tracks. I opened the door, and I guess it fell out. I didn't notice it. We went back to MacGregor, because that's where we come from, and I checked my truck to make sure I didn't leave it there. Then I checked my cell phone. There were no messages, but I phoned my home and there was a message on my answering machine."

She notes a blank cheque in her wallet included her phone number. That's what James used to contact her.

"It's a huge relief because I didn't care about the money. There was quite a bit of money in there. I didn't care about that or my debit and credit cards. Those could be cancelled, but my driver's license is what I needed in order to do the test. So, she really saved the day that day." 

She adds you need I.D. to get I.D. and she was unable to get a license right away, as a result. 

"They'd probably have to wait for another month or month-and-a-half to get to provide me with another spot to take the test."