The warm weather was an encouraging sign for the Touch-A-Truck event at the BDO Centre on Wednesday, as families came to check out all the heavy equipment on display.

Rachelle Sissons, Community Engagement Coordinator with the Portage la Prairie Community Revitalization Corporation (PCRC), says businesses and organizations from around the city all pitched in to make it a great event.

"We've had Sirius Security, Co-op, GenAg, YFC. We have equipment all around here from the RM, the city, fire trucks, we've got the police here. Go-Green, Isaac Lawn Services, FFUN Motorsports, and we're really grateful for the support they've offered to this event."

The afternoon featured many tractors and smaller equipment, which was greatly appreciated by younger kids like Carson, who shared his favourite part.

"I like the skidsteers, both of those cars."

Carson (middle) enjoying his time at the Touch-A-TruckCarson (middle) enjoying his time at the Touch-A-Truck

Melissa Morrison, Executive Director of the Family Resource Centre, added that she was glad to be a guide for the PCRC in getting the event organized.

"PCRC did the heavy lifting, I just passed on knowledge from prior years."

She noted that she hoped the event would keep growing and getting better every year.