Teachers at the school division level will now formulate Grade 12 final English exams. This was after the Province postponed the Provincial exam last Friday out of what it says was an abundance of caution regarding the identification of certain Manitobans used in the reading material for the exam.

Premier Wab Kinew says going with locally developed exams will ensure the finals are written before June 21.

"Everyone's got a timetable for graduation and making their applications for a trade show, colleges, universities, so we've got to keep the trains moving on time, so to speak," he said.

As a result, the Province is asking teachers to work with it in reformulating the exam. 

"We are asking teachers to be patient and collaborative and to work with us to make sure that we get things done," added the Premier. 

As for the parents of Grade 12 students who were to write the Provincial exam this past Monday, he offered this assurance.

"The bottom line is, your child is still going to have a Grade 12 exam. So, you have confidence they're getting a quality education, they're going to get the pieces they need to graduate on time, and there might be a little more local content in terms of the exam this year."