Prairie Fusion Arts and Entertainment is excited to see its newest step in upgrades come to fruition. Executive Director Lorna Knight says their atrium (the main hall throughout the facility) has just been updated.

"Our atrium has just been repainted with new flooring," says Knight. "So, it will be finished up this week and we'll be open next week. We're very excited about this upgrade. It makes this space a lot more welcoming and it allows us to display art in a much more picturesque area. So, we're very, very excited that now, it sort of matches the rest of the gallery."

She says they were fortunate to have money donated from Erla Glesby as well as the funds in the Small Capital and Special Initiatives Program. She notes Glesby donated $15,000, which was added to another $25,000 that had to be raised. 

"It also, sort of, coincides with the outside of the building getting painted, as well," notes Knight. "It's like a little mini facelift that we've had. The floor is completely new and now matches the gallery. We have a nice continuation between the two rooms, and the walls were all repainted white. The entire ceiling and all the piping that's up in the roof have all been painted black, so it's nice. It gives us a good contrast with our lighting in there. We're hoping it should show off the art quite nicely."

Knight explains the atrium can now serve as additional space for art, giving the public a view of some pieces with the bonus of a high ceiling.

"A couple years ago, they hung the red dresses from the ceiling when they did a red dress exhibition in that area," says Knight. "It does lend itself to a little bit of a different area to display things because we have such a high ceiling. But with the white walls, that's also a really nice addition for that space."

She adds this now makes three major areas for displays, even allowing for spillover from the main gallery to continue to show their beautiful works of art. 


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