Portage Pickleball Club members took to the courts last weekend for their annual winter dirt and grime cleanup.

Raymond Askin, President of the Portage Pickleball Club, says that last Friday's storm made it more work-intensive than they thought it would be.

"It actually took a little longer than we figured. So, we were there, pretty much the whole day, it was quite a big job."

Askin proudly shares that a dedicated team of ten people came together to help with the cleanup and prepare for the summer season.

"We had a pressure washer, squeegees and brooms to help move the water and excess dirt."

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He notes the courts look great and have already seen plenty of use. Askin adds that the club will always welcome more members to North America's fastest-growing game and a special week promoting the club and its benefits is coming up in June.

"It's a dedicated and energetic group that likes to get out and play, meet new people, get some exercise, and have fun." 

The Portage Pickleball Club is a recreational group of avid pickleballers.