With this year's set of events wrapped up, the Portage Golf Course is beginning to reflect on the summer they've had in 2023. General manager Robby Moar was in his first year at the helm. He says there was no better place to be the last few months.

"The summer has flown by. It's good when you have the staff that we have here. The grounds crew with Farrol (Asham) is great. The pro shop with Riley (Sviestrup) is great. The kitchen with Brad is great. We have everybody we need in the right spots to be successful, and it has been that this summer."

The last few tournaments went down this past week, including one of their biggest events of the year the Central Plains Cancer Services Tournament. Moar says there were nearly 150 competitors that attended on Thursday, and he was happy to see so many faces supporting an important local organization.

"It's really nice. It brings a lot of people together. A day out at the golf course for a good cause can go a long way in the community. We're happy to bring everybody together," Moar explains. "Those are the fun days, the tournament days. Having everybody come and experience the Portage Golf Course is what it's all about. We look forward to hosting those tournaments again."

Moar is thankful for all the members giving him a grace period to start his tenure.

"I appreciate everybody being patient with me because I am loving it. I hope I can continue to do it. It's been a great experience for me."


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