As you drive past Park Drive in Portage la Prairie, the newly constructed and now abandoned apartment buildings are hard to miss. However, the property is not dormant, as new crews can be seen working on it. This has sparked curiosity about the site's future and whether construction has resumed.

Nathan Peto, the City Manager of Portage, has been instrumental in managing the ongoing situation with the Bokhari Development Property on Park Drive. Following the company's bankruptcy, the accounting organization KPMG was appointed as the receiver to manage the assets. 

Peto has been transparent about the city's role and the efforts they are making to address the challenges posed by the Bokhari Development Property. He has reiterated the city's commitment to supporting the community's housing needs, especially in light of its rapid growth. 

"If people are driving by, they probably have seen shingling and wraps, and some finished windows installed on the property. That's under the goal of securing it and the other shells of property and basically securing the assets. We are still working with all the parties involved, but the goal is to protect the assets first, and then discuss next steps in terms of continuing to develop the property so it can be occupied." 

Since August 2023, a collaboration between the city and KPMG has been underway. Peto noted that discussions are ongoing to safeguard assets and explore future development options. While uncertainties remain, KPMG has hired professionals to assess the buildings and advise on the next steps. 

Throughout the process, the city prioritizes public safety and security, taking proactive measures to mitigate risks. Peto expressed confidence in the project's trajectory under receivership, highlighting the city's dedication to working with stakeholders to build more housing for our growing community. 

"So far, the project has gone well under the receivership," Peto notes. "We look forward to working with whoever takes on that property to develop housing stocks that benefit the whole community."