The Portage and District Chamber of Commerce is thanking the City of Portage for helping keep local businesses informed about the Saskatchewan Avenue rejuvenation project.

Executive Director of the Chamber Cindy McDonald says they have heard lots of frustration from west-end business owners who wanted to know what was going on. Since the Chamber meets with the City every month, McDonald says they brought these concerns up. The City then made a request to the contractor.

"We have a really good relationship with the city, so they talked to Stantec. We met with them when we had the open house and we said we would love to get all the information out," says McDonald. "These businesses need to plan when their storefronts are not going to be accessible. It'd be nice to know all of that information."

After going back and forth with them, Stantec was very receptive to the request and has committed to sharing the necessary information with the Chamber. 

"I'm going to send out all the information to every one of our chamber members, and if they want to stay in the loop, they can. It impacts everybody. Not directly all of our members, but it definitely impacts everybody as far as what's happening in our city," says McDonald. "Every second Friday, they're going to send me a new update and then I will send that out and make sure everyone knows what's going on."

If there is anyone who is not a Chamber member that wants the information, McDonald says to reach out to them, and they can provide them the updates. McDonald wants to give a shout-out to Stantec for doing a great job making sure there is communication. She appreciates the fact they are working with the businesses to try and keep access and parking available to the public as to not negatively affect the businesses.