Automated external defibrillators, or AEDs, are portable electronic devices that deliver an electric shock through the chest to the heart. The shock is meant to stop an irregular heart beat and allow a normal rhythm to resume following sudden cardiac arrest. City of Portage la Prairie Chair of Public Safety Sharilyn Knox says the city's asking for AEDs within Portage to be registered for safety reasons.

Knox explains businesses were encouraged years ago to purchase these devices.

"There was a real push on registering your AED with the Heart and Stroke Foundation," notes Knox. "When somebody's in an emergency situation and they call 911, if your AED is registered, they can tell those people where the nearest AED is. Recently, in a situation in the community that I was made aware of, they couldn't find the closest one."

She notes the city then realized that others could likewise be in unnecessary danger due failure to locate an AED that could very well be near any given emergency victim. Knox says if you have an AED in your place of business or organization that isn't registered, to please register it.

You can contact Knox for registry information at her email address ( so she can send you the form that you can email or fax to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.