Local business people will be arrested tomorrow, but it's for a good cause.  Portage is one of four communities hosting the Kidney Foundation's RoundUp for Research.  The annual fundraiser sees community members ''arrested'' and put in a mock jail.  Chairperson Jocelyne Durand explains those in jail will need to make phone calls and ask friends or co-workers for donations in order to get out of the jail.  She says their goal this year is $8,000, however they'll be pleased with any amount raised. 
The mock prison is being set up at Portage's Days Inn with the event running from 8 a.m. tomorrow morning until 4 p.m.  Money raised in support of the Kidney Foundation will be put toward research, client services and dialysis.  If you would like to make a donation or volunteer someone to be arrested for the event Durand encourages you to contact her at 239-1319.