This past Monday, June 3, at about 8:40 p.m., Portage la Prairie RCMP patrolled the community and noticed a vehicle with no registration at the corner of 6th Avenue NW and Fisher Avenue. A traffic stop was initiated.

Police confirmed that the vehicle was not registered and the 24-year-old woman from Portage did not have a valid license. The 28-year-old man in the vehicle was found to be breaching a Release Order not to have contact with the driver. He was arrested.

Upon search of the vehicle, officers found:

  • open liquor,
  • 1.2 grams of cocaine,
  • and drug trafficking paraphernalia.

The man is charged with:

  • Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking
  • and Fail to Comply with Release Order Condition.

He was remanded into custody. The woman was released with four Highway Traffic Act Tickets.