While many will be enjoying the warm weather that will wrap up January, Club Snow Inc. was hoping the double-digit negative temperatures would last longer.

Club president Doug Atchison says they had volunteers out and about getting the trails ready to go, as snow was coming down more frequently and intensely. He laments that with temperatures above zero degrees over the next week or so, they haven't been able to put the finishing touches on the trails.

"As soon as the groomers go out, we can finish marking the trails and open them," explains Atchison. "But, unless we get snow, that probably isn't going to happen in the very near future."

Despite the warnings to not go on the trails, some might be looking to still enjoy some time on their snowmobiles, as the season for it seems to keep shrinking. Atchison wants to ensure that people stay safe if someone gets stuck due to poor conditions.

"If you've got two or three friends with you, you can hook up to it and pull it out," notes Atchison. "The biggest thing is that the person probably will up with wet feet, so they need to get to a cabin fairly quickly and get a fire going and get themselves dried out so that they don't end up with frostbite or hypothermia."

Going forward, Atchison wants snowmobilers to stay alert as the trails aren't officially open. He mentions that some riders can tend to get close to fencing which could have barbed wire.

For updates on Club Snow Inc. and to be the first to know when trails officially open, click here.