The big scissors were on display as the ribbon was cut, celebrating the launch of Christianson TDS' new office.

Managing Partner Bjorn Christianson, also called Barney throughout the office, says he knew it was time for a new office, but didn't realize how much they needed it until going back to the old one.

"I'd been there for 40 years. I didn't see just how crowded it was, how dark it was, how unsuitable it was," explains Christianson. "Once we got over here and saw the natural light, the fresh air and everything that's available, I went back to the old building and thought it had shrunk.

The previous office was designed for two lawyers and four assistants. By the time they moved to the new building, Christianson says they had 12 people, creating a very cramped workspace.

He wanted to provide a better work environment for clients, but especially staff, a sentiment that members of Christianson TDS say was well accomplished with the new office.

"I'm pleased that people who are in the political sphere in our community recognize the need for law support in rural Manitoba," says Christianson.

Among the visitors for the grand opening was Portage la Prairie MLA Jeff Bereza, who calls the new workspace the most beautiful office he's seen in Portage, as well as Winnipeg. He says it's easy to support businesses like Christianson TDS, who've worked tirelessly to support Portagers for decades.

Christianson and BerezaJeff Bereza and Bjorn Christianson.

"Christianson TDS has created a space here that I'm sure is very comfortable for all the employees to come and work in," notes Bereza. "Hats off to Barney and to TDS for this amazing building and their commitment to the Portage la Prairie area."

As members of Christianson TDS move into the new office, they can wave goodbye to the location that Barney himself called entirely intolerable for the number of staff working there.