Big Brothers Big Sisters of Portage la Prairie is on track with the national standards. That's from Executive Director Dawn Froese, after they were officially reaccredited by the national organization. She says becoming accredited is a fairly extensive process, which they had started about a year-and-a-half ago. Froese is excited with the accreditation, noting it shows they're living up to the expected standards.

"It's huge for the organization. It means we're meeting the standards both organizationally and service, delivery-wise, of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, and they recognize the work that we do."

She says while the work to become reaccredited is extensive, they weren't forced to make any major changes. She says their services will remain much the same, with most of the adjustments made in their policies, or wording of their procedures. She notes the reacccreditation also provided them an opportunity to think about the next five years, and what they hope to see.

"Our focus for the next five years will be continuing to grow at a moderate, sustainable pace. We kind of got crazy in the last few years where we grew really quickly. Now we just need to scale back a bit and grow, so financially we can stay up with that. We'll really committed to offer great programming for the children of our community and surrounding area."

Froese notes they're also looking to make the next accreditation process less of a burden, by keeping up an all policy changes as they go.