Three new staff members joined the Portage Community Revitalization Corporation recently. Mari Lawrence is Community Engagement Coordinator, Heidi Adams is Skills Up Family Child Care Coordinator and Sonali Kapoor is Skills Up Program Assistant.  Skills Up is a program created to help Portage residents begin their own day care businesses.

Sonali Kapoor"I'm going to be working with Heidi on Skills Up," says Kapoor. "It's a really exciting project. I just came in about a week before the break. I'm new to Portage. I came here four months ago from India. I just came and gave the interview, and I thought it was a really exciting opportunity to work with the community."

She adds she's met the nicest people in Portage and felt this was a great way to give back to the community.

Heidi Adams started last week.

Heidi Adams"I actually ran my own home daycare," notes Adams. "It was unlicensed, and I have my ECE III. So, I've been doing childcare for eight to ten years already. We are going to be reapplying in July or August to have a second round of Skills Up continue. So, we'll be doing lots of reporting."

Mari Lawrence just recently moved to the area well.

Mari Lawrence"I'm from Flin Flon, so I'm new to Portage," explains Lawrence. "I really like it. I think it's a great community. There's a number of events that happen annually, so I'll be planning them and may be coming up with some ideas for new events as well."

She adds she previously coordinated a program for the RHA in Northern Manitoba in a public health office. Lawrence notes, having been part of the community development team in Flin Flon, she felt the role here would be a good fit.