The Barley Council of Canada has announced that it will undergo a strategic re-alignment to better serve the barley industry.

Chair Zenneth Faye says the move comes after a months-long comprehensive review of the roles and responsibilities of its partners in the value chain.

"The Barley Council of Canada has been in existence now for about five years and the Board felt that it was time to do a review of what our deliverables have been and where we're short falling," he explained. "So we put together a wish list of some places where we need to try and make better and efficient use of our resources internally, but also to efficiently use the dollars that our members pay towards the organization."

The move includes Cereals Canada, the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC), and the Brewing and Malting Barley Research Institute (BMBRI).

"We've had working relationships with the malting institute and the BMBRI for quite some time, it's just that these are more formal agreements to have specific deliverables, expectations on both sides but in documents," added Faye.

"Why re-invent the wheel? Use the resources that are there with the expertise that are there," he noted.

The re-alignment takes effect August 1, 2019.