A local Portage la Prairie businesswoman will continue to represent the Central Plains area on the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce.

Southport Aerospace CEO Peggy May was sworn in as the chamber's chair last week.

May says she was honoured to accept the role and has a wealth of experience to bring to the position.

"I'm active on the Portage la Prairie Chamber of Commerce. I was the chair of their governance committee for a year or two, and then just a member. Southport is a member, and other people are participating there. It's an honour to be asked to sit as chair on the Manitoba Chamber board."

May says it certainly wasn't a year she wanted to be nominated because of the challenges created by the pandemic, but she has an amazing team to work around.

May will serve on the chamber for a one year term.

"It's going to be a busy year. We have lots of plans, and there are lots of new plans in the works for the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce. You have to pivot like every other business in Manitoba during this crisis. There's a lot more in the way of technology. We have a new website, there's going to be more video conferencing, surveys, and things to add more value to our membership."

The ceremony took place on May 21 over Zoom.

May shares how the swearing-in went.

"It was very well done. We had over 80 people online, across the province. We had the president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce do a little presentation at the end. It was great to hear his thoughts on how this year is going to shape up and what our future looks like."

May knows this will be a year of rebuilding for many businesses, but wants you to know the Manitoba Chamber of commerce will be very supportive and helpful.