Several municipalities around the province are experiencing severely dry conditions this summer. The RM of Woodlands is one such municipality and Reeve Trevor King says it's becoming a very stressful situation.

"Our municipality is in dire need of some moisture," says King. "The hay crop has been very light along with the grass for cattle so that leads to producers feeding more hay. The dugouts are getting dry. We just want the government to be aware that we're experiencing a crisis here with our agricultural community and maybe they could come up with some support of any kind for the industry."

To that end, the municipality has sent a letter of declaration about the problem to the provincial government in an effort to raise awareness about the growing problem. King notes the support doesn't have to be in-depth, even simply helping producers connect with others who are having a more productive year would help the issue as it seems to be headed towards a cyclical problem.

"The hay crop is about a third of what it normally is because a lot of the rain has been missing us," says King. "Producers are finding that their pastures are being depleted and there's just not enough hay for them to get through the winter so they will have to purchase hay. Of course, because of this all, hay is going to be at a very high price."

King notes the trouble that will be facing the beef producers in particular could be problematic. If the industry gets too difficult to operate in King feels producers may opt to no longer continue with their operations. King says that would be particularly hard for the area to face, as it is a big part of their community and it's difficult to draw in younger farmers to the field.

The Reeve will now wait and see what help the letter brings and hopes they can get on the government's radar to get the ball rolling in order to support their farmers.