The Herman Prior Centre in Portage la Prairie received a boost to their fundraising efforts yesterday during their barbeque.

Stride Credit Union presented the centre with a cheque for $2,500 which will go toward their reserve fund for planned renovations. HPC Executive Director Chris Dumont shares how it feels to receive Stride's contribution.

"It feel amazing because it's just a nice way to kick-start the fundraising for these renovations," says Dumont.

She notes she had been in the midst of a letter-writing campaign for donations and had only sent out one letter, to Stride Credit Union, when they phoned saying they'd like to present the cheque.

Stride CEO Brent Budz says it's important for them to be involved in the community.

"At the Herman Prior, they fulfill so many needs in our community. I know it's a well-used facility and, like a lot of other ones, they do need some help," explains Budz. "Stride is more than happy, on behalf of the board and our staff and management team, to help with that fundraising goal."