The Portage La Prairie School Division (PLPSD) currently has two French Immersion programs for students from Kindergarten to Grade 8, but that may soon change.

Todd Cuddington informs PortageOnline that a survey has been sent to parents and staff regarding potentially merging the École Arthur Meighen and École Crescentview's French Immersion into one school. This would leave one of them as a strictly English school and the other striclty a French school.

"The conversation has been around the benefits of having a single French immersion K to 8 program, which would be housed in one separate school," explains Cuddington.

The Superintendent says before going any further the School Division wants to get community reaction.

"Depending on the feedback that we receive, we'll be able to take that back to our school board and have a more in-depth discussion about the benefits or the cons of going in either direction."

Cuddington adds that they are considering this move as research supports schools offering one language can be best for students and staffing requirements.

"We really want to wait and get the feedback from the community and look into it."

The survey from PLPSD will be open until March 15.