Portage la Prairie and the surrounding area gathered this past weekend for this year's annual pride march.

Callie McArthur, an organizer with Portage Pride, says this day was quite emotional for her. 

"Today was an unbelievable afternoon of love, acceptance, safety, and overall human rights," McArthur said. "Seeing about 250 people show up today was overwhelming and made all of us very emotional to see the amount of support we got."

Callie McArthurCallie McArthur

Cory Brook, a participant in the Pride march who is originally from Long Plain First Nation but now resides in Portage, also mentioned how this signifies unity and progress. 

"It just means self-love and love for everybody around you," Brook stated. "I'm so happy to see everybody come together and celebrate pride. It's amazing. It's great to see such support out there. Times have changed, and people are coming to support."

Cory BrookCory Brook 

The day's celebrations also highlighted the city's progress in fostering an inclusive environment. Sharilyn Knox, Portage Mayor, says it is great to see all of the support. 

"I'm just happy to be serving this city and happy to see events like this take place," said Knox. "We love to think of Portage as a place that's accepting and welcoming for all, where people can be their authentic selves, and Pride is just the showcase of that."

Sharilynn KnoxMayor, Sharilyn Knox 

The support extended beyond the marchers. McArthur recalled a particularly touching moment with a supportive bystander. 

"There was an elderly lady with a sign that said, 'Jesus loves you no matter what,' she was all dressed up in rainbows and had hearts all over. She was partying right there with us. It was incredible."

Looking ahead, McArthur is hopeful for continued growth and support for Pride Portage.