Manitoba is known for four seasons, almost winter, winter, still winter, and construction, and it's that fourth season that is frustrating a Portage business owner.

That work is causing Nick D'Abramo, the owner of Season's Family Restaurant, massive headaches as what used to be a very easy facility to get to, has become isolated inside an island of construction.

D'Abramo explains that the development work has caused his bottom line to be down about 75 per cent in the last three weeks. On top of that, the city has yet to contact D'Abramo about the situation or even provide him with a timeline as to when it will be completed.

"That's very poor on the city's part. They should be doing something to help us business people," he continues. "We pay taxes, and we haven't been really given notification about this construction project, which would have been on the books for a year or two."

D'Abramo questions why this work couldn't have taken place during the peak of the pandemic, during a time when most businesses were shut down.

"I have to run reduced hours because of it, and even the hours we are open, we're dead."

File Photo.

The business owner calls the situation a bad one for which the city should take responsibility for.

"They should step up to the plate and do something about it. We need some compensation."

D'Abramo says that he is frustrated and hurt by what has transpired and feels nobody is doing anything about it.