A Pasture Workshop is being held this June 26 at the Yellowquill Pasture, which is a pasture partnership with Nature Conservancy of Canada and Manitoba Agriculture Crown Lands.

Manitoba Agriculture Livestock and Forage Specialist Shawn Cabak says participants will receive a better understanding and the importance of native grasslands and how to identify different native plants and more information on pasture management.

"It's open to producers in the local area as well as from across the province. Anyone who has native pasture who would be interested in finding out more information on native pasture management is welcome to attend," notes Cabak. "It starts at 1:00 Wednesday, June 26th, and we have a number of different speakers including Nature Conservancy of Canada and from Manitoba Ag Crown lands."

He explains someone will speak about battling leafy spurge with insects and cattle, Range in Pasture Health Management as well as different agencies will be talking about the different programs that they offer to livestock and forage producers. 

"Groups such as Manitoba Habitat Conservancy and the local Central Assiniboine Watershed, will be on hand."

Cabak says it's getting to the busy time of the year for producers. The workshop gives a great opportunity for producers who are interested in talking with fellow producers and learning about different pasture management.

"The location is seven miles south of CFB Shiloh, South gate, on Highway Number 340, then one mile east on Road 47 North Yeah. producers can contact myself at (204) 239-3353 for more information and bring a lawn chair and/or a blanket to be more comfortable during the event, as it will run for for several hours."

The importance of determining carrying capacity and setting appropriate stocking rates that maintain pasture health will also be discussed. 

What are the principles of Grazing?

  • Balance livestock demand with forage production
  • Distribute livestock evenly using multi-paddock rotational grazing.
  • Provide adequate rest & recovery after grazing to allow plants to recover & be healthy
  • Avoid grazing during vulnerable periods (to wet or too early)