A Portage city councillor's applauding the work of local community groups, when it comes to making the community a great place to live in the winter. Ryan Espey, who's also the community services chair, says one of those people is Justin McCabe, who created a skating rink and path on Crescent Lake.

"It's fantastic, and it's completely community driven. It's not a city initiative. It's just something that the community decided they wanted, and members of our community stepped up, went out, and made it happen."

He notes there are also the rinks that appear in Portage annually, through the hard work of user groups. He notes rinks at Prosvita Park and North Memorial School are just two examples.

"One of my pet projects over the years is getting community rinks set up. Sometimes that doesn't look the way as it has in the past. We've presupposed a couple of areas and the North End Parks Committee has done an amazing job developing the North Memorial Park. Of course there's the one over at Prosvita Park. I've got to tip my hat to Perron Banfield and Ed Thurston, two guys who have really taken care of that spot over the years."

Espey says it's always exciting to see the community step up to create more recreation opportunities, noting it helps create a sense of community within the city.

"It's huge. That's what it's all about. It's about the community stepping up and making things happen, and not just relying on other people to do it for you. That's how we're going to move forward as a community. It's accessibility for everyone, it's a chance to get out and meet your neighbours and have fun with your kids, grand kids or great grand kids and just bringing everyone together in one area."

He notes the mild weather this winter has delayed the opening of the outdoor community rinks, but says now that the snow's fallen it shouldn't be long.