The National Indigenous Residential School Museum at Keeshkeemaquah near Portage la Prairie is enhancing its displays with beautiful showcases. Executive Director Lorraine Daniels explains they received a major grant from the federal government Tourism Relief Fund.

"We bought two and ordered them custom-made. You can see our logo in the back," notes Daniels. "It's just beautiful to display our cultural drums are everything that talks about our culture and that we are reclaiming our culture through our songs, the music, and the language. It's just a beautiful setup and that I hope that when the visitors come, they'll just enjoy seeing the beautiful displays that are in the huge display cases."

She says she's extremely proud of the setup, and describes it as appearing more Museum-like or more professional. 

"I just really showcases things nicely. We're hoping to get more display cases, but this is just a start and it just looks more inviting. It is starting to look more like a museum with display cases. So this is just a sort of a new beginning for the museum and there will be more changes and more to come. We're always making changes in the museum so that everything will flow and then so it will be able to display the artifacts in a more pleasant way for people to enjoy."