Portage MCC Thrift shop is celebrating two volunteer milestones from 2019.

Elsie Hamm and Martha Harder volunteered over 1000 hours of their time. They received a framed certificate and some chocolate.

Martha oversees the book department at the MCC. She says she enjoys her time there.

"I love books, and this has been just perfect for me. I've been doing this for many years," says Harder. "The thing I really like about working here is that it's one big family, it's just a fun place to work."

She adds it's a joy to help other people, and she's excited that she gets to do so as a part of the MCC family.

David Kanne is the Office Manager. He says their work is important.

"It's a very nice feeling to have volunteers who are dedicated to volunteering that much time. They come in on their own time, they're not asked to come in, we don't say please, or anything like that. They come in on their own time, and it's nice to see that dedication to the service here."

He notes that Elsie takes care of pricing clothing items and accessories, and it's nice to have two people that take charge and don't need staff assistance.

Martha talks about what it was like to receive the award.

"I have no goal in mind about how many hours I work here. I just come here to work, and it has nothing to do with hours," says Harder. "I was amazed, (when I got my 1000 hour certificate.) Did I spend that much time here? No wonder why my house is such a mess. I never think about the hour part."