The film industry in Manitoba is gaining momentum. Ginny Collins is the Marketing and Communications Director of Manitoba Film & Music and explains Portage la Prairie has many great locations to offer to producers. She highlights the Crescent Lake, Saskatchewan Ave, Stride Place, and the courthouse as main locations that are scouted for filming in the city. Movies including Goon, The Gabby Douglas Story, Mr.Hockey, and The Don Cherry Story I Part 2, have all had production take place in Portage.

Collins notes as an incentive to film in rural areas such as Portage, Manitoba Film and Video provides producers with a tax credit. The credit pushes production out of the capital city and across the rest of Manitoba. This, in turn, allows the film industry to have a larger impact on the province as a whole. Manitoba Film and Music have four more months in their fiscal year, however, they've already broken their production record with $210 million in film production across the province. Collins stresses, the momentum they're seeing is not only aiding the economy but is producing more jobs in the creative fields. She explains, they're seeing more people choosing to study, and live in the province, while working in the industry.