Portage-Lisgar MP Branden Leslie has been combating gas tax while at the same time, Portage MLA Jeff Bereza has entered the same ring in another level of government. Leslie notes he keeps in contact with the MLA to remain aware of issues in our region. He explains, from the PC Manitoba side, the issue is somewhat broader. 

He outlines why he feels this concern is important to our province.

"Premier Wab Kinew has yet to add his voice to the already lengthy list of premiers that wrote an open letter to the Senate, calling on them to pass this Bill (C-234)," explains Leslie. "I think it would be appropriate for the Premier of Manitoba and this new government to step up and side with farmers and all Manitobans in calling for Bill C-234 to be passed, and, ideally, the entire carbon tax. I don't know if I would expect that out of our new premier."

He says that the issue is over a fairly narrow carve-out on the carbon tax, and is good policy. 

"It simply makes sense for our farmers and all families that are paying increasing grocery prices to allow this bill to pass," continues Leslie. "The procedural gamesmanship of the Senate is such that I think it's a good reason for premiers across this country to pass it. We just saw the Premier of Northwest Territories come out and highlight his opposition to the carbon tax in its entirety, because the cost of living is, obviously, quite high in the North to begin with."

Leslie says lives of those in the north are made that much harder as a result. He adds 130 First Nations in Ontario are currently taking the government to court over carbon tax due to its extreme burden on them.  

"The anger toward this tax, the lack of any environmental results that we're seeing from it, is just coming to a head," notes Leslie. "We most certainly are going to continue to raise, not only this particular issue, but the impacts of the carbon tax and how they're being felt not only folks in Portage-Lisgar, but right across this country."


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