Grade 12 student Titus Waldner attends Lighthouse Christian School in Southport, and was thrilled with some wins at their recent convention. Each spring, the school hosts other regional schools to see students compete to travel to Warrensburg, Missouri, to the Accelerated Christian Education International School Convention (ISC). 

He outlines what he accomplished.

"I did multiple events. I did some athletics, I did some platform events, some music, as well as some special events. I got first in the 100-metre, 200-metre, and 400-metre runs. There were four of us and I managed to beat the 200m. It was three of us and it was quite close toward the end, but I ended up winning."

He notes it's great fun competing in the various events, and notes he saw the video of his race and surprised himself at how far ahead of the others he was.

He says he also preached in one of the events for the first time, and more.

"I did a solo. I'm doing photography, and I'm doing poem recitation. So, for my photography, my recitation, and solo, I was pretty nervous. But I was ready with the Lord's help. I'm going to the internationals this year. It's located in Central Missouri at the University of Central Missouri, home to the Mules, and it's going to be good. I've been to ISC before and it is a lovely atmosphere. All these kids, they're bound full of energy and competition. It's a good time to meet new friends and make fellowship. I'm still in touch with them from last year, and I'm looking forward to seeing them again this year." 

He notes he made friends from North Carolina, a couple from Virginia, Texas, and a couple from California. Waldner adds he also came to know some students from the Philippines.