What was originally meant to be a fun event, has led to extra funding for a program at La Verendrye School. The Positive Atmosphere for Learning Social Skills (PALSS) Class held their Winter Wonderland event late last year, filming throughout the day. After hearing about a recent Winnipeg media contest dubbed 'Winterpeg' which aimed to showcase Manitoban's special winter moments, they submitted their video for a chance to win.

Just this week they found out they were the recipients of $5,000 thanks to that contest, and teacher Christine Davidson says the announcement was a great way to kick off the school week.

"We're over the moon excited about that. We have good plans for that money to help us with the courtyard in the spring time. We're currently spearheading the program to do our garden, last year was the first year we did that. You bet there will be something special in there to commemorate this event."

She adds they're incredibly grateful to Sarah Thiessen, who had put together the video that was submitted for the contest. The students are also excited about the $5,000 for the school's program. Austin Morrison-Prieur says he's looking forward to what the money will be used for.

"We could use it for our courtyard to decorate it a bit more, maybe get a few things for recycling, maybe get a bigger courtyard, or different kinds of plants inside it."

While the students involved in PALLS are thrilled with the announcement, they note the Winter Wonderland event had other, more personal benefits. Gerald Spence says the event allowed the students to really work together, to help and make the community a happier place.

"I loved it because we all worked together, and we put other people in the Christmas mood if they were feeling bad, or down for a while"

Meanwhile Rayden Desjarlais says it was overall a great day, and even had a chance to show off his hard work to his family.

"I liked all the creations and what we did in the courtyard. I got to show my kookum around and had a lot of fun. I really liked handing out the apple cider."

As for the future of the Winter Wonderland project, Davidson says the funding has definitely provided a bit extra incentive to hold the event again.