Expansion is the most befitting word for plans in 2016 for the RM of Woodlands. Reeve Trevor King says one them concerns an opportunity for 40 new jobs.

"We're very excited about the Aeroquip expansion into the community of Woodlands. They're building a new manufacturing facility there to expand on their facility. They're looking at about 40 employees once it's complete. And the completion date I think is in June or July."

King says their lagoon expansion is also slated for completion.

"We're doing an expansion in Woodlands. It's something that has to be done. We've got some money sitting in the water services board waiting to help us do that. It's actually gone to the municipal board now. And once it gets through that, we'll be able to move forward -- hopefully if everything goes well there -- with the lagoon expansion in Woodlands. We're kind of limited to growth right now. We can't have too many more houses built there until our lagoon gets expanded."